Once you have passed your test, I recommend that you to take 'Pass Plus' course with Licence2learn. It isn't a requirement however this qualification will add to your newly gained driving skills, confidence and the great thing here is that there is no more tests.
There are a number of insurance companies that offer a discount to new drivers when they have completed the 'Pass Plus' 6 hour course.
You are a qualified driver now and can drive on any motorway. However, it can be quite frightening for a new driver to approach a motorway for the first time, but with a 6 hour 'Pass Plus' tuition course, you will gain the confidence needed to travel anywhere up and down the country.
Within the 6 hour 'Pass Plus Driving Course' with Licence2learn you will also cover night time driving, all weather driving and rural driving.
The Couse Cost is £260 and this does not have to be done in 1 day. An example of how it could be split is into a 2 hour session on rural driving, 2.5 hours on the motorway, 1.5 hours night driving. This could be carried over 3 weeks or in 1 week, whichever suits your schedule. You may find it helpful to have these lessons carried out in your own car which I am happy to do - I will let you decide.
You’ll get a training report form from me when you’ve reached the required standard in all modules.
I will then send the signed form by both parties to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).
You’ll receive a certificate by post within 2 weeks. If you do not, contact the DVSA Pass Plus team and include the name of your driving instructor.
DVSA Pass Plus team
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